Orthotomicus erosus

Biocontrol of the Mediterranean pine engraver beetle

Common name: Mediterranean pine engraver beetle
Scientific name: Orthotomicus erosus
Order: Coleoptera
Affects: Pine trees
Main season: Spring, Summer and Autumn

Orthotomicus erosus

General information

Orthotomicus erosus (Wollaston, 1857) belongs to a genus composed of 24 species from the Palearctic and Paleotropical zones that attack many species of trees. Orthotomicus erosus eis a bark beetle that mainly attacks the Pinus, species, although it has also been found on Cupressus, Picea, Cedrus libani, Abies pinsapo and Pseudotsuga menziesii. It naturally spreads throughout the Mediterranean Basin, Central Europe, the British Isles, North Africa, Central Asia and China. Orthothomicus erosus is considered an invasive exotic species that has entered into South Africa, Chile, Uruguay, Fiji, other islands of the Pacific Ocean and the United States.

In general, it is considered a non-aggressive species that attacks very weak trees. However, it can also attack live trees, which are more or less in the initial stages of decline, or highly stressed. Reasons for this stress could be the extreme lack of water as a result of drought or fires. They can also vectorise blue Sapstain fungus such as Ophiostoma or Leptographium (Kirisitis 2004), or other pathogens like Fusarium calmorum (Romón et al 2007) or Sphaeropsis sapinea (Zwolinski, 1995).

Morphology and biology

This species can produce more than three generations a year, depending on the temperature. It is a polygamous species, so its biological potential is immense in Mediterranean areas where the temperature is higher in summer. The male excavates the entrance hole and the nuptial chamber, emitting an aggregation pheromone that attracts several females, usually three. The fertilised females excavate the maternal gallery starting from the nuptial chamber and following along the longitudinal axis of the tree. The males remove the sawdust from the maternal galleries.

Male and female engraver Beetle

When the larvae are born, they begin to feed on the phloem creating sinuous galleries that are very close to each other at the beginning. As the larvae grow, the galleries increase their diameter and start to separate from one another. The larval galleries are filled with sawdust and compacted excrement which is produced when they feed, while the maternal galleries remain clean. When the larva reaches maturity, it excavates a pupal chamber where it changes into an imago.It then emerges on the outside through a bore hole that it has perforated in the bark, after a period of maturity inside the pupal chamber.

The duration of the larval period is changeable. Normally a week goes by from egg laying to hatching, if the temperature is between 15°C and 25°C. The larval period lasts approximately 20 days and the pupal phase lasts a week. The cycle is usually completed in 35 days, although as an exception, it can be completed in 15 days if the circumstances are favourable.

The new imagoes emerge ready to start the cycle again. Between September and November when the temperatures begin to drop, the adults group together in winter galleries where they stay during the coldest months. These winter galleries have a different shape, they are more irregular. The imagoes group together causing the bark to lift up or even its detachment. Their activity starts again when the temperature rises, beginning their biological cycle anew.

Engraver beetle gallery

Damage and elements of diagnosis

When the larvae feed on the phloem, they block the circulation of water and nutrients with their galleries in the tree trunk. As a rule,Orthotomicus erosus attacks very weak trees that are still alive. Sometimes, in areas where the trees are in an extreme state of decline, primary insect behaviours have been detected. This means that they are capable of colonising apparently healthy trees.

The affected pine trees initially turn yellow in the upper part of the crown, until finally reaching the lower branches of the tree. The dark sawdust evacuated from the galleries during mass attacks is very visible.

Orthotomicus erosus is a transmitter of the Blue stain fungi, which in addition to the direct damage caused to the tree, it also causes the loss of wood.

Detection and monitoring

In forests, 1 CROSSTRAP® MINI should be placed every 20 hectares separated at least 1000 m from each other. For surfaces that are less than 20 hectares, at least one trap should be placed per stand or forest. The traps should be placed in areas with good visibility, such as forest borders, forest trails or fire-breaks. Windy areas should be avoided, as the wind makes it more difficult for the insects to fly and could damage the traps.

A detection trap system should cover the environmental variability of the monitored forest. As a rule, traps should be placed and active between May and October.

Phenology of Orthothomicus

Wet captures are recommended, as they allow for the precise identification of the captured insects. For this purpose, the collection cups can be filled with 10 ml of diluted propylene glycol (10 or 20%) or with car antifreeze. This liquid is used for killing the captured insects, as well as preserving them. It must not be dissolved with too much rainwater. If this is the case, then the liquid should be replaced. It is recommended to collect the captured insects at least every 15 days.

Exhaustive monitoring

For exhaustive monitoring, the traps should be placed between 100 and 500 metres apart from each other in forest trails, fire-breaks or forest borders.

The trap density may vary between 0,3 and 3 CROSSTRAP® MINI traps per hectare. They can also be placed inside the forest, as long as it is not too dense. Dry captures are recommended for exhaustive monitoring, using the collection cup with a stainless steel mesh on the base, that has also been treated with a slippery product.

Pheromones and traps

A CROSSTRAP® MINI trap and an ECONEX ORTHOTOMICUS EROSUS 60 DAYS (Code: UIPHOVA189) pheromone diffuser, that will hang on the trap using one of the holes on one of the PVC sheets.

ECONEX ORTHOTOMICUS EROSUS 60 DAYS is an aggregation pheromone diffuser that is used to attract male and female Orthotomicus erosus. The diffuser is in a blister pack, with a duration of 60 days in normal field conditions. It is individually packaged in an aluminium sachet with labelled specifications. The package includes 1 paperclip hanger to hang the diffuser on the trap. Once taken out of the packaging, the diffuser needs no activation or opening, just placed correctly on the trap.


Sexual pheromone diffuser of the species Orthotomicus erosus to attract males, with a duration in field of 40 days.

Code: UIPHOVA189
OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 133/2014

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The CROSSTRAP® MINI is a state-of-the-art forest trap. This trap has been created through an R&D project (University of Murcia - ECONEX) aimed at developing traps and attractants for forest insects.

The trap consists of a 33 cm diameter polypropylene lid with a central carabiner attached to a steel spring. Two reinforced PVC sheets are held in place by four steel springs in the lid’s upper section. They are used as elements of dynamic suspension, serving as shock absorbers against the force of the wind exerted on the trap. This way, damage to the traps in the forest is avoided. The PVC sheets are also fixed at the bottom to a 30 cm diameter polypropylene funnel. At the bottom of the funnel is a collection cup, which is attached to it with screws.

The PVC sheets, funnel and collection cup are treated with a slippery product that increases the number of captures considerably and prevents the insects from escaping.

The CROSSTRAP® MINI pcan last up to 7 years, due to its structure and highly resistant components. The unfolded trap measures 33 cm diameter x 100 cm high. Once folded, it is 33 cm diameter x 40 cm high, making it easier to transport.

Crosstrap with ECONEX wet collector

CROSSTRAP® MINI WITH WET COLLECTION CUP is the latest generation in cross-vane traps to help capture forest pests.

Code: UIPFETA226
OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 153/2013

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Crosstrap with ECONEX Dry Collector engraver Beetle

CROSSTRAP® MINI WITH DRY COLLECTION CUP is the latest generation in cross-vane traps to help capture forest pests.

Code: UIPFETA204
OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 153/2013

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The trap can be used with two types of collection cup: CROSSTRAP® WET COLLECTION CUP for wet captures, and CROSSTRAP® DRY COLLECTION CUP for dry use or live captures.

The CROSSTRAP® WET COLLECTION CUP (Code: UIPFETA156) has an approximate capacity of 2 litres and with a drain in the upper section to prevent it from filling with rainwater. It measures 12,5 cm diameter x 19 cm high and is covered with a slippery product that stops the captured insects from escaping.

The CROSSTRAP® DRY COLLECTION CUP (Code: UIPFETA157) has the same capacity and measurements as the CROSSTRAP® WET COLLECTION CUP and is supplied with a stainless steel mesh that drains away the rainwater 100% and eases air circulation.

Diffuser pheromones ECONEX engraver Beetle

Collection cup for wet catches, located at the bottom of CROSSTRAP® traps.

Code: UIPFETA156

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Diffuser pheromones ECONEX engraver Beetle

Collection cup for dry use, or live catches, located at the bottom of CROSSTRAP® traps.

Code: UIPFETA157

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Diffuser pheromones ECONEX engraver Beetle

Storing the diffusers

The diffusers must be stored in their original packaging in a cool and dry place and separated from food and drinks.

To preserve the diffusers for long periods of time, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator at 4 o C in which case they will last for 2 years. Or they can be kept in the freezer at -20 o C for 4 years.

Diffuser packaging


Corrugated cardboard box of 600 units (120 packs of 5 units).
Box size: 0.60 x 0.40 x 0.35 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 11,15 kg.
No. of boxes per pallet: 20
Pallet size: 1.20 x 0.80 x 1.95 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 233 kg.

Pack of 5 units

Pack of 5 units
Includes a product
information leaflet.

Box of 400 units

Box of 600 units.
(120 packs x 5 units)

Trap packaging


Corrugated cardboard box of 8 units.
Box size: 0.80 x 0.60 x 0.48 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 11.30 kg.
No. of boxes per pallet: 8
Pallet size: 1.20 x 0.80 x 2.05 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 100 kg.

Box of 8 units

Box of 8 units.


Corrugated cardboard box of 8 units.
Box size: 0.80 x 0.60 x 0.48 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 11.30 kg.
No. of boxes per pallet: 8
Pallet size: 1.20 x 0.80 x 2.05 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 100 kg.

Box of 8 units

Box of 8 units.

Recommended information:


Catalogue in PDF format with 94 pages. An essential reference book about the biological behaviours of the main forest insect populations. It also includes solutions from ECONEX to solve the problems caused by these insects through the use of traps and specific attractants.



The leaflet can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the image.



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